Soft Skills for Hard Times (via Webinar)

Soft Skills for Hard Times: Working effectively across difference in and outside the academy (via Webinar)

What does it take to make it in graduate school and beyond? Aside from a lot of coffee, relationship building skills, effective communication and compassion are key. Learning how to work effectively and respectfully with people from diverse backgrounds is foundational.

In this webinar you will better understand intersectional identities; expand your knowledge and communication skills across difference; and be able to identify and interrupt disrespectful language, while also learning the best way to apologize when we make mistakes or offence is experienced. Learning more about these essential interpersonal and professional skills will help you to negotiate power dynamics, understand how you are influenced by (un)conscious bias and the impact of mircroaggressions. This is especially important when graduate students need to work across different (sub)disciplines, with students and faculty from different cultural backgrounds, linguistic backgrounds, and gender identities, in and outside of the academy.


Dr. Rachael Sullivan, a professional staff from the UBC Equity & Inclusion Office.

Details and Registration

For details and to register, please visit: